Omni Software News and Tips

Got babysitters? Then you need to monitor that PC!

We just had our first ever “non-family” babysitter for our little guy the other day.  They hit it off great and had a wonderful time by all accounts.  The babysitter was at our place for only a couple hours while our son was awake and the rest of the time he was napping.  Now when I was a babysitter, all those many years ago, it was standard for parents to let us watch TV after kids went to bed.  These days of course, the babysitters want to go online and IM their friends, check their MySpace pages, and so on.

My husband and I were very comfortable allowing our sitter access to our “guest” login on the computer because we have Omni’s PC Monitoring Software installed on our computer.  We left the house confident that any activity she did on our computer was monitored and every keystroke recorded, for our review later  if necessary.  We told her we have the PC Monitoring software, of course; full disclosure is key in our home.   We also told her (and her parents) about the Parental Controls software we have that blocks inappropriate websites.  Of course, she’s not the sort of kid to go to those sites anyway, but at least she (and her parents) knew that nothing inappropriate would come up on the computer while she was at our home.

And y’know, when we were kids, some sitters would invite boyfriends over to “hang out” for a while, taking full advantage of the lack of parental supervision at a home.  Can you imagine these days what they might try to pull up on your computer when you’re not there, without any supervision?  When I was little, I walked in on a babysitter making out with a boyfriend–I would be horrified if my son walked in on a sitter watching porn on the computer.  OmniVision PC Monitoring and OmniGuard Parental Controls add such a great level of security to your computer that you can rest easy, knowing that your sitter cannot  use your computer to view inappropriate content, and that your children won’t accidentally see it either.